Weary Worker
- 2007-01-16
Weary worker Nearing physical exhaustion Burdened beneath a demanding occupation Pray for the power of the resurrection That you might stay awake Be strengthened and financially able To provide your f... -
Weak, Restless, and Weary
- 2007-03-14
Weak, restless, and weary Quite a combination certainly Not strong, liable to collapse Under pressure or strain Yet restless unable to tame Wild and without reason Incessantly searching For an inta... -
Too Tired to Enjoy your Vacation? Don't Suffer!
- 2007-05-23
Perhaps jet lag is the culprit. Crossing time zones while you travel is just one of the causes. Some advance knowledge and preparation can result in a more enjoyable trip.Primary Causes of Jet LagCros... -
Potasssim And Sodium Remarkable Minerals
- 2007-10-28
Today you cannot afford not to know the information this article has for you. It is a matter of life and death. Taking the proper minerals and knowing why is a must for vitality. Cancer cells are foun... -
Taking the Time
- 2008-05-22
I have a very bad habit (which I am sure that a lot of folks share) of working beyond my body's limits. Far too often, I would be so immersed in my job or in the task at hand that I would simply forg... -
Heat Exhaustion - Know the Symptoms
- 2008-07-05
Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heat-related illness that can develop after several days of exposure to high temperatures and inadequate or unbalanced replacement of fluids. Those most prone t... -
Learn The Secrets To Enjoy Outdoor Workouts Without Fear Of Heat Bringing You Down
- 2008-08-02
The beautiful summer months normally leads to seeing more people hitting the streets for great workouts. This is great but if not practiced safely can lead to some serious problems such as heat exhaus... -
Why Am I Always So Tired?
- 2008-09-20
According to Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, "The food you eat is like the gas you use to fuel your car. Without enough of it - or the right kind - your ener... -
You're Working Too Fast!
- 2009-12-26
"Very often the idler is but a man to whom it is repugnant to make all his life the eighteenth part of a pin, or the hundredth part of a watch, while he feels he has exuberant energy which he would li... -
What Are The Side Effects Of Stress
- 2010-09-01
We live in a fast paced world that never seems to sleep. For many people they try to cram as much activities and commitments into a 24hour day. These ever increasing pressures increase our stress leve...
Total Search Results: 10