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    • 21.

      In the Bible: the Waters Under the Heaven are in One Place

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-18
      This is a new series (1-9) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 9 in the Old Testament says that And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry gro...
    • 22.

      Verse No. 9 in the Bible Versus the Quran

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-18
      This is a new series (1-9) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 9 in the Old Testament says that And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry gro...
    • 23.

      Is the Ocean Mentioned in the Bible?

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-20
      This is a new series (1-10) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 10 in the Old Testament says: God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas. Verse No...
    • 24.

      In the Bible: Where is the Ocean in the Creation of the Earth?

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-20
      This is a new series (1-10) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 10 in the Old Testament says: God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas. Verse No...
    • 25.

      Verse No. 10 in the Bible Versus the Quran

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-20
      This is a new series (1-10) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 10 in the Old Testament says: God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas. Verse ...
    • 26.

      In the Quran: Whatever You Do, They Remain Firm in Their Disbelief

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-28
      This is a new series (1-13) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 13 in the Old Testament says that And there was evening, and there was morning, the third day. Verse No. 13 in the Ne...
    • 27.

      Is Abihud of the Bible a Synonym of Abiud?

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-28
      This is a new series (1-13) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 13 in the Old Testament says that And there was evening, and there was morning, the third day. Verse No. 13 in the Ne...
    • 28.

      In the Bible: the Third Day of the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-28
      This is a new series (1-13) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 13 in the Old Testament says that And there was evening, and there was morning, the third day. Verse No. 13 in the Ne...
    • 29.

      In the Bible: Many Plants Bearing Seed Grew Up in 24 Hours

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-28
      This is a new series (1-13) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 13 in the Old Testament says that And there was evening, and there was morning, the third day. Verse No. 13 in the Ne...
    • 30.

      In the Bible: Many Trees Bearing Fruit Grew Up in One Day

      by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-28
      This is a new series (1-13) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 13 in the Old Testament says that And there was evening, and there was morning, the third day. Verse No. 13 in the Ne...