by Kristen Pucket - 2007-01-10
The methodology of Enterprise Integration has advanced to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) because of its ability to weave disparate applications and services to produce a business structure where ...
by Carol Bullard - 2007-01-23
While I am speaking mainly to women, this may apply to some men as well. Ladies, did you get married with the idea of the both of you having your careers, working, saving money, traveling and living h...
by Ixis Ltd - 2007-01-15
Best Mail Server is an ultra fast SMTP/POP3 server program. You can send mail from any mail client that is complaint with SMTP protocol using this server. You can also configure it to be your local...
by Stuart Crawford - 2007-01-31
Is Windows Vista for your company? Many small businesses will be asking their IT people this question over the next few days, weeks, and months to find out if Vista is the best fit for their business...
by Prabir Sen - 2007-02-05
In today's world, businesses are beginning to demand more from their information systems. At the same time, the outer limit of technology is being stretched to its limit to meet this demand. This in t...
by Varuzhan Kankanyan - 2007-02-28
Nsauditor Network Security Auditor significantly reduces the total cost of network management in enterprise environments by enabling IT personnel to audit and monitor remote network computers for p...
by Martin Mcallister - 2007-03-02
Recent man-made and natural disasters, including terrorist attacks, the Indian Ocean tsunami and the threat of pandemic flu, all serve to highlight the critical need for public and commercial organisa...
by Richard G. Ligus - 2007-03-22
BackgroundA supply chain is the stream of processes of moving goods from the customer order through the raw materials stage, supply, production, and distribution of products to the customer. All organ...
by Dean Barnard - 2007-09-22
The data space is exploding and the cost of memory is reducing with each coming day. Today's organizations are creating zillions of bytes of data everyday and each bit requires storage. Paper informat...
by 10x Marketing - 2007-11-26
Enterprise search is useful for companies that have a lot of content, for example insurance companies with mountains of paperwork, government agencies and publishers of aviation manuals all could ...