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  • end of the world

    • 1.

      Understanding the End of the World - Part 2

      by William Bell, Jr. - 2006-12-26
      In our first segment, we demonstrated how God used the luminaries, i.e. the sun, moon and stars to refer to the patriarchs, to men of rank. See part one where Joseph's parents and older siblings were ...
    • 2.

      End Of The World 12 21 2012

      by Kenneth Baker - 2007-07-19
      Can you imagine in 999 A.D. how many predictions that the world would come to an end there might be? With no T.V. or internet it would be easy to get caught up in the moment by the mystics of the time...
    • 3.

      Prophecies of Doom

      by David Nelmes - 2007-11-07
      Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, John from Revelations, the Mayans, and numerous other authors and psychics have all depicted terrible end time cataclysms that will result in the end of life as we know...
    • 4.

      Progress or Apocalypse?

      by Aaron Taylor - 2007-11-28
      The can that I am about to pry open is a gigantic one, far greater than what will meet the eye at first. The implications deal directly with the belief system of millions of people in our nation and a...
    • 5.

      2012 And The End Of The World

      by Patrick Omari - 2008-08-04
      Whatever you are planning for your future, whether it's a new house, starting a family or even going on a diet - don't bother. In four years the world will end and your plans will be ruined. This is ...
    • 6.

      Carlos Barrios Says

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-10-04
      At least once a week I get someone who responds to my 2012 commentaries in a condescending and demeaning fashion saying all those people who believe the world will come to an end are obviously crazy....
    • 7.

      A Butterfly Prophecy From a Prophet of Doom

      by Kurt Hartman - 2008-10-16
      Here in the USA, we have always been blissfully unaware that our decisions have International implications. The war in Iraq, our rhetoric towards Iran, our support of Israel, and now our mortgage mar...
    • 8.

      Birth of a New Age

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-11-15
      As we move from 2008 to 2009, the hype about the end of the world will increase as it has for each of the last few years. But, is it the end of the world or a transition into a new one? Because the M...
    • 9.

      Year 2012 End Of The World ( Conspiracy Theory Or Myth - Why You Need To Know)

      by Sarah Gladman - 2010-03-21
      There has been a lot of interest in the Year 2012 and the End of the world. Hollywood released a blockbuster back in 2009 titled 2012 that was based on the Mayan Calendar that abruptly ends on the21st...
    • 10.

      2012 End Of The World Theory ( What You Need To Know Now Before 2012)

      by Sarah Gladman - 2010-03-21
      You are most likely familiar with the movie and book 2012 that exploits the End of the world theory. But does this theory have more truth behind it than a Hollywood blockbuster, or are we really just ...