electronic medical records

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  • electronic medical records

    • 1.

      Is Your Medical Record Available On The Computer For All To See?

      by Tom Sample - 2006-12-04
      The advancement of the Internet in today's world has catapulted documentation processes to a new dimension. The developments in Information Technology guide the procedure of viewing, editing and excha...
    • 2.

      OmniMD launches integrated EMR and Practice Management software

      by Omnimd EMR - 2006-11-13
      Tarrytown (NY)-Nov 14-- OmniMD, a leading developer of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) software and solutions has announced major updates in its current offering including an integrated practice mana...
    • 3.

      The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Electronic Medical Records In A Computerized Age

      by Evert DuToit - 2007-01-16
      In order to standardize and make all medical records available to hospital staff, colleagues and officials many health care institutions are computerizing their records and switching to an electronic ...
    • 4.

      Health Computers How To Purchase The Right EMR Software For Your Practice

      by prakash chakkunny - 2007-03-07
      The other day I came across a great quote by Paul.C over on EMR Update. "Choosing an EMR is like getting married: Unless you make a really lousy choice, you will be happier than before.. It ...
    • 5.

      The Role Of EMR In Clinical Trials Management

      by Prakash Chakkunny - 2007-03-09
      The pharmacy Industry has entered the "enterprise era" of electronic technologies for clinical development. Virtually all their clinical trials use electronic data capture (EDC). As Electronic medical...
    • 6.

      The rate of EMR use in physician practices is estimated at 20%

      by Peter Cernak - 2007-04-21
      Electronic medical records (EMR) systems are important productivity tool for doctors. Implementing EMR can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your practice's success. Although it i...
    • 7.

      OmniMD EMR Receives Prestigious CCHIT Certification for EMR

      by Omnimd EMR - 2007-05-03
      Tarrytown, NY-April 30, 2007 The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHITSM) announced today that Integrated Systems Management Inc. achieved certification for its prod...
    • 8.

      Why Practice Management Software is Necessary

      by IoVentures - 2007-06-07
      Sarah never got to work late, but since morning she had suffered one bad catastrophe after another. Today she wasn't looking forward to getting to the clinic because her boss, Dr. Dobson, was a ...
    • 9.

      Practice Management Software Is Essential

      by M.A. Luke - 2007-06-08
      Sarah was hardly ever late getting to work, but today she was late by nine minutes. Since she woke up she had had one disaster after another and her day was not going well. She had a very mean boss na...
    • 10.

      Electronic Medical Records, It's About Time

      by Rachel Grover - 2007-06-09
      Is the healthcare industry losing their memories of yesterday? There was a period in earth history where paper was the key source of keeping track of important records and it was the only way to store...