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  • education

    • 1.

      How to Begin the First Day of School With Class!

      by Merlin Frei - 2006-11-28
      The first day of school is always exciting. It can be a bit frightening as well, both for the teacher and the student. Everyone wants to make a good first impression and it can only happen once. He...
    • 2.

      How To Learn a Foreign Language

      by Derrick Turley - 2006-11-28
      ADVANTAGES OF KNOWING ANOTHER LANGUAGEYou can enjoy greater personal power in a foreign country when you speak the language. Without leaving your own home town, you can enter into the literature and...
    • 3.

      Successfully Achieve Your Dreams With Proper University Education

      by Leonard Bartholomew - 2006-11-30
      There is no one who starts an online business with the hope of failure, or a plan to waste money on a venture that will produce minimum or zero results. With all the hype flying at you everyday, start...
    • 4.

      Home Schooling Tips for Young Children

      by Jerry Cahill - 2006-11-30
      If you are considering or doing home schooling there are some benchmarks you can use. When your child has reached the equivalency of second grade they have already learned a host of language items. O...
    • 5.

      Consideration of the Psychic Profession

      by Barbara Garcia - 2006-12-01
      There are many different aspects of the psychic profession. The most satisfying are our contributions to society, which remain valid even in the face of controversy. Other issues include the individua...
    • 6.

      College Expenses: Seven Ways to Save on Education

      by Mark Shead - 2006-12-01
      Many people graduate from college owing thousands of dollars in student loans. It isn't uncommon for students to graduate owing $30,000 to $40,000. For people that get married shortly after graduation...
    • 7.

      Creating Wealth the Feng Shui Way

      by Merrit Strunk - 2006-12-02
      Creating wealth and prosperity is something many of us spend a lifetime trying to achieve, but did you know you can actually incorporate some natural methods to encourage personal wealth?It's true!Fen...
    • 8.

      Knowledge, Education, Learning and Thinking: What Does It All Mean? (Part Two)

      by Kenneth Wallace - 2006-12-02
      In this second of two parts, the purpose of knowledge, education and thinking are explored and conclusions regarding how to integrate them for maximum benefit are offered for your consideration.The Pu...
    • 9.

      Getting A Good Education As A Landlord

      by Gerald Mason - 2006-12-02
      Getting a good education as Landlord will help to lay solid founations for you.Since the real estate industry has become so popular, the amount of information available on it has also been on the rise...
    • 10.

      Federal Prison "One Day at Club Fed"

      by Richard Sizemore - 2006-12-02
      I was making a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchen when I overheard a CNN story about our exploding inmate prison population. This brought back memories of when I worked for the federal prison system i...