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    • 1.

      www.newmile.net a free general discussion forum

      by Shane - 2006-12-15
      OK, we're new and we'd like as many people as possible to join and we have a links section if you wish to advertise, a gallery and an enjoyable forum. Come and join today for a great time. We are a...
    • 2.

      If This Senior Can Build a Website - Anyone Can

      by Maggie Eslinger - 2007-02-27
      At first I thought that this article would be mainly for seniors, however, there is something here for everyone. Even teens and young working parents can benefit from my observations.We traveled in o...
    • 3.

      Discussion on Creative Genius and Societies

      by Lance Winslow - 2007-02-28
      Have you ever stopped to consider how creativity spurts occur in civilizations and societies and how during these times there is literally a revolution of science, technology and the arts all at the s...
    • 4.

      Getting the Most From your Meetings

      by Paul Docherty - 2007-03-20
      How many times have you been to a business meeting and wondered just what it was all about or why they had bothered calling it in the first place? Unproductive and unnecessary meetings can be aggrava...
    • 5.

      New Mile - A Free General Discussion Forum

      by NewMile.net - 2007-04-28
      Hi, I'm here to talk to you about a forum called New Mile. Now, New Mile isn't your average, cheesy forum that has a shop, arcade, gallery and a shout box. We have no modifications and we are a nice f...
    • 6.

      Malnutrition And Hiv Interact

      by Paul Kanute - 2007-05-05
      Today, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) provides a dramatic demonstration of the interaction between malnutrition and infection. Transmission of the virus from mother to fetus is ...
    • 7.

      Asthma: Lifelong Condition With No Cure

      by Paul Kanute - 2007-05-06
      Asthma is a condition that results in the narrowing and constriction of bronchial tubes that deliver air to the lungs, making breathing much more difficult. Asthma is triggered by exposure to substanc...
    • 8.

      Heart Disease In Women Needs More Detection

      by Eric Timmy - 2007-05-06
      Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women and their doctors often underestimate the risk, because they think it's something more likely to strike men. Women aren't getting nearly the same kind of pre...
    • 9.

      Emotional Problems And Depression In Children

      by Paul Kanute - 2007-05-07
      For parents, just making sure your child is physically fit and healthy can feel like a full-time job. But parents should also be aware of potential mental and emotional problems that can affect a chil...
    • 10.

      Thinking And Emotion

      by Eric Timmy - 2007-05-07
      What goes on in your head is another factor in a healthy lifestyle and successful weight management. The way you think about yourself and your world influences, and is influenced by, how you fell and ...