by Lynda Lippin - 2006-12-23
So you've been breathing and learning to maintain your neutral pelvis while working your abs--Bravo!!! Now let's begin some extension to keep your back strong and your shoulders moving. Extension is...
by Lynda Lippin - 2006-12-23
Never doubt the importance of small basic safe fundamental exercises, especially when it comes to dealing with back pain & injury. Here are the three most basic Pilates fundamental exercises which wi...
by Lynda Lippin - 2006-12-23
In my 18 years of teaching Pilates I have noticed that most people have very tight upper bodies, very tight legs, and a lumbar spine and pelvis that move way too much. In the best of all possible wor...
by Lynda Lippin - 2006-12-23
Once you have stabilized the pelvis and lumbar spine while on your back, it is important to begin to strengthen your spine in extension by doing some exercises on your stomach. You may place a small ...
by KK Arora - 2006-12-29
We've all heard of the Viennese doctor who saw certain parts of the human anatomy every time he came across an oblong or hollow object. He is now largely discredited, of course. Many also know about h...
by Nathan Wei, MD - 2007-01-18
The spine consists of a stack of bones called vertebrae. Spinal discs -small gel-filled balloons- rest between the vertebrae and function as cushions separating the bones.When something abnormal ...
by Jason Cole - 2007-01-24
But I digress, this article is about the industry's newest solution to the problem of having two new, very similar products, and how they plan on solving this conflict. The solution presented is i...
by James Walsh - 2007-03-31
In so far as the 21st century is concerned, the transfer of attributes between computers and humans has been mutual. In the UK, it is not only the people who are susceptible to the consequences of a h...
by Cynthia Rowland - 2007-05-11
Aging faces are everywhere and if you want to keep your job, maintain a positive earning power and remain confident in your appearance you might want to immediately begin a facial exercise regim...
by Linda Scott - 2007-05-13
Most Requested Las Vegas Disc Jockey! From Clubs to concerts, record promoter to Vee-Jay on UPN, and owner of his own radio station, Las Vegas Disc Jockey John Dote, recording artist and...