direct response marketing
direct response marketing
by Bob Speyer - 2008-06-15
Even if you have the best available search engine optimization (SEO) on your site and loads of content, believe it or not, you are still missing something. The world of search engine marketing (SEM) b...
by Hal Hoadley - 2008-08-20
Copyright (c) 2008 Hal HoadleyOn a beautiful August day in Southern California I attended a half day conference with Dan Kennedy (The Godfather of Info-Marketing) to listen to him talk about "Fixing ...
by Kathleen Ann - 2008-09-03
Direct response advertising is all about making an offer and getting a response.Whether you're asking your prospect to make a purchase, pick up the phone to call you, or simply to provide their email...
by Kathleen Ann - 2008-09-05
If you want to increase your sales then you must get your prospect really excited about your offer. Not just your product or service but the whole package of benefits they'll receive by being your c...
by Kathleen Ann - 2008-09-08
Direct response advertising is all about getting your prospect to take the action you want. And the sooner they do that the better your conversion rate will be.There are many techniques and they wor...
by Kathleen Ann - 2008-09-09
One of the secrets to advertising success is to Get More Prospects To Respect Your Value.Isn't it a pain when people don't respect the price you charge? Well, it will also be painful to hear that it'...
by RICARDO RICHARD - 2010-02-03
To the credit of marketing, advertising, and research people the days of talking about the consumer as the sole focus of shopping activity are essentially gone. You could be a politician, an actor, or...
by Kathleen Ann - 2010-07-14
Direct response advertising is all about making an offer and getting a response.Whether you're asking your prospect to make a purchase, pick up the phone to call you, or simply to provide their email ...
by Kathleen Ann - 2010-07-14
The number one secret to the 7 secrets of advertising success is to get more prospects to take notice of your advertising. After all, if they don't even notice you, that's a done deal and you've total...
by Kathleen Ann - 2010-07-14
The third step to the 7 secrets of advertising is to get more prospects to trust what you say. Take it for granted that no-one believes you. Now, that sounds rather blunt, doesn't it? But people don't...