by Lori Matthews - 2006-12-03
We are constantly bombarded with messages about our health. It is quite clear from government and health publications that most people's diets are not enough to provide them with all the nutrients and...
by Scott White - 2006-12-07
When it comes to nutrition and our diet, there are good fats and there are bad fats. Artificially produced trans-fatty acids are bad in any amount and saturated fats from animal products should be kep...
by Golden - 2007-01-23
In todays highly refined, white bread, meat and sugar diet, omega-3s have been replaced almost exclusively by omega-6 fats such as corn, safflower and sunflower oils. Although these are good for yo...
by Brett Seagrott - 2007-02-22
Loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, the benefits of fish oil supplements are numerous. Known for the positive effect it has on heart health, joints and the brain, omega 3 is one of the latest buzzwords i...
by Golden24 - 2007-02-28
Fish oil has been proven to be effective in the role of healthy lifestyles. You have probably heard on the news, or read in a magazine about how good fish oil can be for you. But what is it about f...
by Howard Simon - 2007-04-05
A report published in the April, 2007 issue of The Journal of Nutrition concluded that supplementing with a low dose of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid found in fish,...
by Howard Simon - 2007-04-13
New research shows that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil, fights excess body weight by averting the development of fat cells.Working with immature fat cells (cultured pre-...
by Rick Duker - 2007-05-04
Most people at one time or another have seen themselves as overweight and so go on some type of calorie restricted diet. Most of these same people will lose some weight initially and then within a cer...
by Rick Duker - 2007-05-25
Did you know that most diseases are linked to nutrient deficiencies or imbalances? Your body is very resilient and can get by in a weakened state for quite some time but then the almost inevitable hap...
by Lois Smithers - 2007-06-20
There was a time adding Omega 3 flax seed oil was recommended to improve our health. Today, however, with scores of research linking the rise in inflammation from an over-abundance of Omega 3 s...