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  • cut

    • 1.

      Weight Loss with Bad Knees

      by Craig Ballantyne - 2007-01-04
      Q: I do strength training and cardio. However, I do have a question. If I am over 20% body fat, is it ok to do longer duration cardio until I get down closer to the 10-12% range?Also, my knees are bad...
    • 2.

      A Modern Combination: Three Stone Diamond Engagement Rings and Princess Cut Stones

      by Julie Shields - 2007-01-23
      Three stone engagement rings have come into vogue in recent years. Men love that they get a lotta bling for their money and women love the sentiment behind the three stones.Three stone engagement ...
    • 3.

      What You Need to Groom Your Pet

      by Hal Storm - 2007-01-29
      If you think your pet is anti-bath, grooming them can be even more of a challenge. To meet the challenge, you need the right equipment. As usual, some is better than others. Grooming of your dog or...
    • 4.

      A Simple Way to Cut Your Monthly Expenses

      by Steve Kroening - 2007-02-05
      One of the most successful business models in the corporate world is also something you should look for to cut your monthly expenses.The business model is a system of recurring revenues. Recurring...
    • 5.

      Jewelry- Passionate Love Affair or Virtuous Assent!

      by Bob Walton - 2007-02-09
      According to the Wikipedia, "Jewellery (Jewelry in American English) is any piece of fine material used to adorn the human body. Jewellery has probably been around since the dawn of man; indeed, recen...
    • 6.

      Proactol Fat Binder cut fat by 30%

      by Jason Farmer - 2007-02-19
      Proactol™ Launched on February 1st, 2007, a clinically proven medical device product for rapid weight loss and the treatment of obesity. Proactol™ is approved by the MRHA and bears the official EU...
    • 7.

      Cut Back On Fast Food Calories Before Your Wedding

      by Kathleen Terrana - 2007-02-26
      Losing weight is never easy, but now you are checking out photographers, picking out invitations, having your gown bustled, getting your gifts registered, and that's all in one weekend.  The ...
    • 8.

      Diamond Cut: Shoppers Buying Guide

      by Denny Reinke - 2007-02-27
      The cut of a diamond is the physical measurement and relative proportion of a polished diamond and is the most important characteristic in producing a diamond's beauty. A single number does not de...
    • 9.

      Swarovski Crystals

      by Arsene Bergkamp - 2007-04-29
      Sometimes, expensive gemstones are not the right materials for a piece of jewelry. If you want a fun piece of jewelry, with plenty of sparkle but not plenty of cost, alternative materials can be in or...
    • 10.

      How to Achieve Ripped and Cut Arms - Biceps and Triceps

      by Liveleantoday - 2007-08-26
      Copyright (c) 2007 Charles CarterThere is nothing better than having big guns. Our arms the most seen part of our body, and the one thing secret or openly every weight lifter would like are tho...