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  • currency market

    • 1.

      A Guide To Calculating Forex Profits and Losses

      by David Shephard - 2006-12-28
      The first thing that the newcomer to the world of Forex needs to realize is that in Forex trading currencies are traded in much smaller divisions than is the case for normal cash transactions. Althoug...
    • 2.

      Forex Trading - Understanding Forex Charts

      by David Shephard - 2006-12-30
      For the majority of Forex traders their trading strategy will be based very largely on technical analysis. This means, amongst other things, that the Forex trader must have a sound knowledge of techni...
    • 3.

      How to Decipher Forex Market Quotes

      by Joseph Ducat - 2007-01-17
      If you are a beginner to the world of Forex trading, you need to quickly develop the skill of understanding foreign exchange market information. One very important skill that you need to acquire is th...
    • 4.

      How to Educate Yourself on Forex Trading

      by Joseph Ducat - 2007-01-18
      The 24-hour Forex market is an exciting arena for investment and great profits can be made in it if you are a savvy investor. It is a speculative market that is made even more interesting by its tende...
    • 5.

      A Beginner's Guide to Currency Trading

      by Joseph Ducat - 2007-01-25
      I'm sure that you must have heard of currency trading. But do you really understand what it is all about? Currency trading is also called foreign exchange, Forex, or FX trading. It is a form of tradin...
    • 6.

      Forex Trading: Profitable or Risky?

      by Joseph Ducat - 2007-01-31
      Forex trading has become very popular in recent times as a way of making money on the side using extra funds. In fact, a few people have even been able to turn their Forex trading activities into a r...
    • 7.

      An Intro to Foreign Currency Exchange

      by Mast - 2007-04-20
      Foreign Currency ExchangeCurrency refers to a medium of exchange of value to define by reference to the geographical locations of the authorities responsible for it. A three-character ISO code repr...
    • 8.

      What Separates The Men From The Boys In Forex Trading

      by Marcus Masters - 2007-10-14
      If you trade the forex or online currency market, I am sure that at some point in your trading career you have had the unfortunate experience of a string of losing trades. Maybe it even got so bad th...
    • 9.

      What to Look For? While Choosing your Forex Broker

      by acmarkets - 2007-10-30
      Forex is the largest trading market of the world. It is the place where currencies from all over the world are brouUsually people dealing with the forex trading deal with the help of a forex broker. A...
    • 10.

      Online Forex Trading How it Can Help you

      by acmarkets - 2007-10-30
      Online forex trading is like a river flowing with money with sizable number of investors. Earlier it was only restricted to the biggest financial players like banks, affluent people and huge financia...