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  • curriculum
  • curing disease

    • 11.

      Begin Healing With a Single Step

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-02-08
      Most people know that if you feel sad and then go exercise, your mood will likely improve. Working your body helps your mind and vice versa. Of course, after a cancer diagnosis there is a lot of work ...
    • 12.

      Talk to your Body

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-02-08
      The idea of the body-mind connection has a wide range of acceptance today. We see that our dis-eases are a combination of factors such that unresolved emotions and events with strong emotions attached...
    • 13.

      Is Healing Also Spiritual?

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-02-11
      Anyone can place seeds in the ground and let them grow, but a man would be fully occupied making one seed grow, supervising the complex chemical activities necessary to life. To do it for one hundred ...
    • 14.

      Your Food Determines your Health

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-02-22
      Through this stream of articles, you may become familiar with the idea that our emotions trigger chemistry which in turn alters our experience. So our emotions influence our body and vice versa and bo...
    • 15.

      Your Power to Create Health

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-03-13
      Nothing exists outside of the NOW. When you think of the past it is stored in the mind as a former now. And, when you think about the past, when do you do it? - You do it now! When the futures comes -...
    • 16.

      The Secret of your Health

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-03-13
      The song that constantly runs through your head whenever you close your office door. The expression on your spouse's face that inexplicably makes you feel either amorous or enraged, why we feel uncomf...
    • 17.

      The One Cause of Disease

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-03-13
      As human beings we create experiences. Think about your whole day today - wasn't it a collection of one experience after another? As creators of experiences, we make good ones happen and surprisingly,...
    • 18.

      Finding Health Immediately

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-03-13
      The secret of health can be explained in just a few words.Your mind is an incredibly delicate, finely tuned and highly sensitive instrument. So delicate that it is impossible to grow up without some d...
    • 19.

      Create Health and Fitness With Constructive Speech

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-03-25
      Constructive speech is a term coined by Wallace Wattles, and I explain it in the Science of Being Well Home Study Course. For a simple definition that would affect your health and fitness, it would go...
    • 20.

      The Law of Attraction and your Health

      by Laurence Magne - 2007-03-25
      You've certainly seen the movie The Secret and you've enjoyed it. Everyone has and everyone raves about it. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you go see it soon. The Secret is really not a secret ...