by Shivani Garg - 2006-12-06
WATCH OUT…! The wave is coming… It's going to take you with it… Full of enthusiasm and spirit, the Mexican wave sweeps you off your feet. Its great fun and gets you into the spirit of the game.Sports ...
by Margaret Mathews - 2006-11-13
Envision a nightmare of horror, conspiracy, medical mystery, human suffering and yet being called crazy by your doctor or others. Imagine you might have Morgellons Disease. People who suffer...
by Marina Smiley - 2007-01-23
Are you a smoker who spends at least $ 3.50 for a pack every day or $1,277.50 a year? That is a lot of money, so let us look at different ways of utilizing your "cigarette" money once you qu...
by Paul Housego - 2007-02-14
Do you want lots of attention at the next rave or dance you attend? Do you want that something extra next time you dress up for Halloween? Do you want to get some extra attention at that special func...
by Nathan Tabor - 2007-02-21
This week-perhaps emboldened by the groundhog predicting an early spring-Old Man Winter came roaring back, blanketing much of the nation with a sheet of ice. In fact, a number of residents of the Midw...
by Christina Chatzidimou - 2007-03-26
Our first reaction to this question is to answer: "No, of course not!" But reality is completely different from what we imagine it to be. The human being is not as balanced as he'd like to think, and ...
by Louise Forrest - 2007-04-02
Skin that has cellulite is dimpled or bumpy in appearance and usually appears on buttock, hips, and thighs; it occurs more often in women than men which makes it even more of a buzz word. Women ar...
by Louise Forrest - 2007-04-02
Maybe you have dandruff and are wondering what you are doing wrong, why you cannot seem to get rid of it. Maybe you even spend even more time scrubbing your scalp and shampooing your hair in an at...
by Gelfey - 2007-05-16
In the contemporary period, fashion jewelry is simply rocking whether it is beads, ring, plastic pendants or other colorful ornaments. Basically the reason behind this hype is that fashion jewelry...
by Christina Sponias - 2007-08-15
There are too many dream interpreters and too many methods of dream interpretation, but none of them can assure you that they have really translated the exact meaning of each symbol that appeared in y...