couples counseling
couples counseling
by Shlomo Slatkin - 2006-12-10
If G-d promised you a gift, would you hesitate? Would you even dare to criticize it and reject it? Yet, the meraglim, the spies that were sent to Eretz Yisroel, returned with a negative report, one wh...
by Shlomo Slatkin - 2006-12-10
Do you remember when you were newly married? It may have been the happiest time of your life. You were full of positive feelings for your spouse. Your joy and appreciation knew no bounds. What happene...
by Shlomo Slatkin - 2006-12-10
With Rosh Hashanah just a week away, we often look for ways in which we can improve ourselves for the New Year. The list of options appears daunting. What is most important? What do we choose to work ...
by David Foreman - 2007-01-30
Marriages are said to be made in heaven. But whether one's life would be 'heaven-like' after that, inside the wedlock, it depends entirely on how the couple feels and adjusts with each other while the...
by Temp - 2007-03-16
What beats you being in love? And what feels worse than being in combat with your lover? No one knows how to push your buttons better than the one person you have trusted with your story - your fears,...
by Don McAvinchey - 2007-03-19
Copyright © 2007 Don McAvincheyI've been steeping myself lately in the life of Mahatma Gandhi because I did my first theatrical performance yesterday playing the great social activist. It was a natura...
by Bowe Packer - 2007-03-22
Marriages are said to be made in heaven but there are times when these marriages need help. There is any number of marriage counselors who can help couples find ways to save their marriage. For Christ...
by Bowe Packer - 2007-03-23
Marriages are said to be made in heaven but there are times when these marriages need help. There is any number of marriage counselors who can help couples find ways to save their marriage. For Christ...
by Shannon Munford M.A. MFT, CAMF - 2007-08-07
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.PROVERBS 15:1Anger is not your problem. You may be asking yourself, "If anger is not my problem then why in the heck am I readi...
by Muna wa Wanjiru - 2007-11-20
Many people are raised to think of themselves as being individuals. This however can pose problems in a marriage as this is a partnership between two people. In this partnership each person need...