by Sharon Barnes - 2006-11-27
Real-life holidays may not be anything like the Hollywood "Brady Bunch" holidays. While radios and store Muzak blare Ho-ho-ho and Fa-la-la, we sometimes find ourselves feeling the contrast between wh...
by Scott White - 2006-12-08
Losing a loved one is never easy, but it is particularly difficult when the loss occurs near the holidays. Whether it has been one year or 20 years, you are likely to feel the loss much more acutely d...
by Donald Saunders - 2007-01-09
Stress is part and parcel of normal everyday life and, while it is not impractical to talk in terms of finding a cure for chronic or long-term stress, it is certainly impractical to talk of a cure...
by L. Diane Wolfe - 2007-01-31
Child abuse has come to the forefront lately, flooding our news with reports of violence, neglect and sexual abuse. Estimates range from three to nine million American children become victims each ye...
by Sherry L. Asbury - 2007-02-27
Since I can fall into deep depressions and be Ms. Doom and Gloom, I decided to use that fact to write about depression and ways to handle it. Actually I am an expert, as I have fought this all my lif...
by Dawn-Elise Snipes - 2007-02-27
Over the past decade, as I have worked with cops, firfighters, abuse victims and children of addicts, I have learned that there are many causes for PTSD. It has also affirmed my belief that PTSD is re...
by Sherry L. Asbury - 2007-03-06
Mental Illness, How to CopeIf you broke an arm and wore a cast, people would sympathize with you and sign your cast; all would be fine. If you cut yourself you would have a bandage and the same princ...
by Kay Elizabeth - 2007-03-11
Rejection. Even the word itself can send a shiver down your spine. It has probably happened to us all at some point in our life in some shape or form. It may be that you have offered the hand of frien...
by Michele Rogers - 2007-03-15
In many situations men and women both have the weight of the world on their shoulders. You can tell they have problems by looking at them. They walk hunched at times and pout and some even cry an...
by Laurence Magne - 2007-03-17
The psychological challenges that confront us when we are exposed to catastrophic news can be seen in our faces and postures immediately. They are the mind's automatic attempt to integrate and ass...