by Sharon Barnes - 2006-11-27
Real-life holidays may not be anything like the Hollywood "Brady Bunch" holidays. While radios and store Muzak blare Ho-ho-ho and Fa-la-la, we sometimes find ourselves feeling the contrast between wh...
by Gary Kurz - 2007-01-18
For people who love and keep pets, one of the most traumatic moments they will ever experience is bidding farewell to their furry of feathered best friend. Most pet people imagine that they could ...
by Linda Della Donna - 2007-01-20
If you are reading this then something terrible has happened. First let me offer my condolences. As Joan Didion says, "Life changes fast." Next let me extend a heartfelt welcome. You are now a member ...
by Mary Logan - 2007-03-17
Throughout my childhood my brother Tom took up much of the family energy due to his mental illness. It wasn't his fault or ours, it just happens that way in families. As I think back on how my par...
by Tom Nuckels - 2007-04-11
Have we not all felt stress at one time or another? However, there are those who feel it more often than others. To them, stress has become a part of their daily routine. Stress has been linked as a l...
by Long Yun Siang - 2007-04-23
Stressed out dealing with new responsibilities? These are some of the earliest stress management tips I learned as a freshie. Joining the workforce brings with it changes to your previous lifestyl...
by Kathy Steinemann - 2007-05-23
Perhaps jet lag is the culprit. Crossing time zones while you travel is just one of the causes. Some advance knowledge and preparation can result in a more enjoyable trip.Primary Causes of Jet LagCros...
by Dr. Melanie Beingessner - 2007-10-02
Stress is one of the silent causes that can disrupt work and family life. Traffic, finances, family problems, unemployment, and raising children are just a few examples of stressors in our lives...
by Reno Charlton - 2008-07-03
The global credit crunch in the UK has really taken its toll on the finances of households, and many have found themselves unable to keep up with repayments on debt as well as bill payments. As a resu...
by Duncan Kelly - 2008-10-18
 Sometimes things just don't work out the way we hoped. Finances are low, family is fighting or grumpy, and our efforts at improving our situation are not succeeding. We go to the postbox hoping t...