
  • confident
  • confidential
  • conflict
  • conflict diamonds
  • conflict resolution
  • confusion
  • congress
  • conjunctivitis
  • connect
  • connecticut
  • connecting
  • connection
  • connections
  • connectivity
  • connie ragen green
  • conractors
  • cons
  • conscience
  • conscious
  • conscious creation
  • consciousness
  • consequences
  • conservation
  • conservationist
  • conservative
  • conservatories
  • conservatory
  • consider
  • consistency
  • console
  • console games
  • console nintendo wii
  • consoles
  • consolidate
  • consolidate bills
  • consolidate debt
  • consolidate debts
  • consolidate loan
  • consolidate student loan
  • consolidate student loans
  • consolidating debt
  • consciousness

    • 161.

      Enlightenment And The Brain

      by Bruce King - 2008-07-02
      What is enlightenment? Is it the brain suddenly realizing things or is it something beyond the brain and body? I believe it is something beyond the brain and body. Enlightenment entails building a hig...
    • 162.

      The Theory of Everything

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-07-02
      Einstein felt like a loser because he couldn't find the one theory that proved all theories. Scientists are becoming more and more frustrated because all that they thought simply no longer is so. It'...
    • 163.

      Creative Action

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-07-04
      The Satanic or Devil metaphor has within it some profound truths. Satan is not a real being- one with red cape, horns, and pitch fork. If there be any truth to the many principles coming from this da...
    • 164.

      Chicken or Egg?

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-07-07
      So, which came first? Was it the chicken or the egg? I'm going to leave that one alone for now; however, I do want to address a similar question. Which come first, which is the cause: mood or success...
    • 165.

      Habitually Hindered

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-07-07
      How many decades did I follow the same beliefs, observe the same customs, THINK the same things, and worst of ALL, I DISBELIEVED anything and everything that went against what I wanted to embrace? Th...
    • 166.

      One Power

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-07-08
      Most religions, Christianity included, teaches a duality that undercuts the power of God and causes confusion at best, and depression at worst. In like fashion we can't embrace a consciousness of def...
    • 167.

      Practicing Awareness Can Increase Effectiveness In Your Job

      by Tim Wright - 2008-07-12
      Practicing awareness is not commonly associated with the necessary set of skills for a safe and productive workplace. But a conscious decision to expand your awareness can increase your effectiveness...
    • 168.

      Awakening the Power of Your Conscious Thought

      by Thomas Herold - 2008-07-14
      How often have you been driving your car, ended up at your destination without remembering the last hour of your journey? Or have you been sat at work with a deadline looming and suddenly realize you...
    • 169.

      A Conscious Breath, What's In It For You?

      by Angeloc - 2008-07-15
      Breathing, it's not something that we give much thought to, the body simply takes care of it automatically for us. Actually, the body takes care of much, much more than most of us realise, it's truly ...
    • 170.

      It is Finished!

      by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-07-19
      It's said that God rested on the seventh day and when Jesus was on the cross He said, It is finished. Both mystics and metaphysicians would concur that there's nothing to create, just that which we n...