conscious creation
conscious creation
by Anisa Aven - 2006-12-06
If you've been affirming, visualizing and using manifesting techniques for years now and managed to manifest some of the things you've wanted, but still find that there are a few goals that you just c...
by Anisa Aven - 2006-12-06
If you are experiencing stress over a sudden financial crisis, there's only one thing to do: Let it all go!Here's the problem: when you feel stress then all you can attract is more to feel stressed ab...
by Anisa Aven - 2006-12-06
Detaching from the outcome of what we desire is, in my opinion, the trickiest and most difficult manifesting step to master. Here's the dilemma that I'm sure you've run into, first, you identify what ...
by Anisa Aven - 2006-12-12
Enhance your power to manifest the life of your dreams using these ten creative methods:1) Keep the end in mind. Ask yourself, what specific quality of life will the object of my desire bring to me? W...
by Anisa Aven - 2006-12-15
Fulfillment: meaning accomplishment, achievement, realization, or completion. The word implies an ending of sorts, and therefore the implication that one "finds fulfillment" is inaccurate at best. Ful...
by Ada Porat - 2006-12-31
Every year-end, prognostications about the future proliferate. Forecasts and forebodings are offered to support any point of view, most of it feeding into the human fear of the unknown.At one time or...
by Wendy Betterini - 2007-01-03
The more we learn about using the Law of Attraction consciously in our lives, the more we understand that our emotional state determines our vibrational frequency, which attracts the quality of experi...
by Wendy Betterini - 2007-01-05
One of the most important steps in consciously using the Law of Attraction is learning to change our expectations. Why? Because the Universe delivers exactly what we expect to see. Our expectations...
by Wendy Betterini - 2007-01-19
A common question I see from people just beginning their personal development journey is, "How do I write effective affirmations?" Often they will go in search of existing affirmations that they can ...
by Wendy Betterini - 2007-01-24
"Why isn't the Law of Attraction working for me?" This cry of frustration is uttered often by people who are learning to consciously create better lives using the Law of Attraction. After spending w...