concrete ponds

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  • concrete ponds

    • 1.

      Pondless Waterfalls: Concrete vs. Pond Liner

      by Douglas Hoover - 2006-12-28
      The get-rich-quick factor in the pond liner industry has forced up the price of pond liner kits to equal the cost of concrete construction. If you search for the truth about concrete ponds and waterf...
    • 2.

      Water Feature Forums-Oh My!

      by Douglas Hoover - 2007-01-18
      What a hoot! I'm learning a lot and fast about the nature of on-line forums.I can only speak of my experience with forums related to the water garden or water feature industry. I have decided to join ...
    • 3.

      Pondless Waterfalls: Concrete Vs. Pond Liner

      by Doug Hoover - 2007-01-20
      The get-rich-quick factor in the pond liner industry has forced up the price of pond liner kits to equal the cost of concrete construction. If you search for the truth about concrete ponds and waterf...
    • 4.

      Koi Pond: Which Pump to Use

      by Doug Hoover - 2007-01-20
      When I started in the waterfall and pond design & construction business in January of 1982, I was asking the same question. I had a slight advantage over most when it came to answering the question, ...
    • 5.

      Pond Liners: the Hole Story

      by Doug Hoover - 2007-01-20
      Sometimes I get calls from people who have purchased a new home with an old pond that has a big problem. The number one complaint is that it will not hold water; second is that the water is green; th...
    • 6.

      Pond Liner Defects: Count The Cost

      by Douglas Hoover - 2007-03-04
      So you are considering building your own koi pond, or having one built? Do not add your name to the growing list of disgusted leaky pond owners.Please research all aspects of water gardening before p...