by Peter Fisher - 2007-01-31
The way to write a better resume is to stop thinking how you can parade all that wonderful experience that you gained over the years and start thinking "What do they NEED to know".The only thing that ...
by Peter Fisher - 2007-02-06
Where do your competences come from? Competence comes from your skills but you would be mistaken to think it automatically means "high-level" skills. What structured interviews are about is establis...
by Tim Maher - 2007-02-09
When you hear the word "coach", what comes first into your mind? Do you picture a basketball team with a man/woman shouting out directions? Or perhaps a football team with a man/woman pacing to and fr...
by Jennifer Burns - 2007-02-26
Given the controversy surrounding accounting profession and the recent scandals in the industry such as Enron, it is of vital importance to understand the role of ethics and develop critical perspecti...
by Elaine Sihera - 2007-03-18
We respect people for what they do, their birthright and the role they play, because we recognise them for doing it. If we did not acknowledge and validate them as the source of that status, action or...
by Elaine Sihera - 2007-03-18
To be rewarded for something we have done is the icing on the cake. Reward does not have to be in financial terms. In fact, praise from a parent or friend, any promotion, a 'thank you' letter from a p...
by T. Falcon Napier - 2007-03-28
Have you ever lost an opportunity because you weren't perceived to be as "qualified" as a competitor was? Did you ever hesitate to approach a prospect because you didn't think you were "ready" yet...
by Pete Siegel - 2007-04-01
What's the difference between the you who plays at peak levels - smooth, fluid, and efficient - and the you who is choppy, in-consistent, and "heavy", unsure and tentative?Why sometimes can you play a...
by Elaine Sihera - 2007-04-22
Famously known for the 'mid-life crisis', this stage is often like hell on earth and carries self-analysis even further, becoming a very important and testing time for both males and females. Self-ass...
by Don R. Crawley - 2007-08-14
Copyright (c) 2007 Don R. CrawleyCompetence means providing correct, knowledgeable service, performed with accuracy and confidence.Competence is a two-part process. You must demonstrate competenc...