by Neel Raman - 2007-03-15
It is truly a privilege to be alive. You have the chance to spend a lifetime on this beautiful planet and to experience the most amazing, the most incredible, the most moving experience possible.Y...
by Marci Crane - 2007-05-01
If you have children, then you naturally wonder what they will grow up to do and become. You want them to be successful, happy and productive without aggressively pushing them in any given "occupatio...
by Kimbles1 - 2007-07-30
Wherever you are and however much of an adventure you are having, it is safe to say that more than likely that you will be faced with challenges and obstacles on a regular basis. This is what life is ...
by Mark Silver - 2007-09-08
The tide's coming in, fast. Your kayak is there on the sand, starting to get gently nudged.Meanwhile you're flat out on a beach towel. Hot sun. Cool breeze. Iced tea. Are you going to get up in time t...
by Mark Silver - 2007-09-09
The tide's coming in, fast. Your kayak is there on the sand, starting to get gently nudged.Meanwhile you're flat out on a beach towel. Hot sun. Cool breeze. Iced tea. Are you going to get up in time t...
by Ernie Fitzpatrick - 2008-11-10
We do that you know. We live in denial a lot too. We are all inculturated in some fashion or another. Our parents brought us into the world under a set of conditions that started us on our journey so...
by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-11
This is a new series (1-3) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament says that God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.. Verse No. 3 in the New Testame...
by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-11
This is a new series (1-3) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament says that God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.. Verse No. 3 in the New Testame...
by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-11
This is a new series (1-3) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament says that God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.. Verse No. 3 in the New Testame...
by Prof.dr. Ibrahim Khalil - 2008-11-11
This is a new series (1-3) of Verse No. in the Bible versus the Quran. Verse No. 3 in the Old Testament says that God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.. Verse No. 3 in the New Testame...