collection agencies
collection agencies
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-03
First of all, we need to know the basic functions of a collection agency. A collection agency is a third party b-to-b (business to business) kind of enterprise. Its main task of service is to collec...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-03
The unfortunate situation has arisen: you need to collect on a debt. You need a collection agency. While a look through the Yellow Pages will yield scores of collection agencies, not all of them are...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-03
Collection agencies - being the target of one can be an unpleasant experience. Nevertheless, that unpleasant experience should never extend so far that you are being harassed, lied to, or having your...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-03
There comes a time in the life of every successful business when it happens. A customer doesn't pay their debt. Try as you might, the customer fails to respond and the invoices go unpaid. But fear n...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-03
In our increasingly stressful world, the business environment has also become more competitive and demanding. The sad fact that goes along with this reality is that sometimes clients don't pay their d...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-15
Medical or healthcare collection agents specialize in handling defaults of payment by persons availing healthcare. As the cost of healthcare is rising so are the defaults. There are various ways of pa...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-15
When all in house efforts fail to recover a debt, they are handed over to a debt recovery agent or collection agent. This article discusses how the latter functions and recovers bad debts.Debt recover...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-17
A collection agency is a duly recognized and sanctioned business entity that engages in the collection of debts owed by individuals or other business entities. A collection agency can be part of a bi...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-17
It's bad enough that a business has to contend with debtors who cannot be bothered about paying what they owe. But nothing could be worse than a debtor who seems to have vanished into thin air. At l...
by Tristan Andrews - 2006-12-17
Whether you have an internal debt collection department or a collection agency, there are some things that you have to remember when it comes to debt collection. There are practices to debt collectio...