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    • 11.

      How to Detach in a Codependent Relationship

      by Lori Klauser - 2007-12-10
      A lot of the time as a codependent you get caught up in others lives. You become obsessed with another and you feel responsible for what happens in the others life. Your own life falls to the wa...
    • 12.

      He's Trying to Control Me

      by Margaret Paul, Ph.D. - 2007-12-19
      "I know what's coming when Robert says that we need to sit down and have a talk," Maryann told me in our phone session. "He wants to tell me everything that is wrong with me. It's not about talk...
    • 13.

      Is Your Relationship Suffering From Emotional Infidelity?

      by Margaret Paul, Ph.d. - 2008-07-31
      Emotional infidelity occurs when you or your partner become emotionally connected with someone outside your relationship, either in person or on the Internet.How dangerous to a marriage or committed ...
    • 14.

      Being A Victim In A Codependent Relationship

      by Lori Klauser - 2008-08-24
      When you come to see that you are codependent, you realize you are preoccupied with what the significant other person in your life does, where they are and that you are mostly focused on the happening...
    • 15.

      Ezine Sites, Resonance and You

      by NICOLE LAVOIE - 2008-12-04
      Resonance is two similar frequencies which lock together in harmony. One frequency can control another frequency, bring another frequency back into balance or just add to the strength of another a...