by Joseph Kenny - 2006-12-13
Homeowners insurance covers damages resulting from most kinds of natural calamities. If a third party lender finances a home, it becomes important to obtain homeowners insurance, in order to cover the...
by Harry McDuffee - 2006-12-15
As a child our very existence revolves around faith. We trust those who brought us into this world (God and Parents). The only reality we know is total faith!This is the time of year when everything i...
by Ray Meshack - 2006-11-13
"The negligence of another, whether simple or gross, can bring tremendous personal injuries upon another person. Sometimes, such negligence does not only result to personal injuries but may even resul...
by Jamie Carruthers - 2006-12-17
If you are a victim of unfair bank charges, you may be able to claim them back.Banks often charge up to £70 to customers who exceed their agreed overdraft limit, however the law is clear that these ch...
by Kenn Schroder - 2007-01-01
You want to build credibility on your website and you want prospective clients to draw the conclusion that they should hire you as their coach. A great way to do this is to make supportive claims on y...
by John Pawlett - 2007-01-04
To get accident compensation claims accepted in the UK, you should contact your lawyer immediately after the accident. The kinds of accidents you might get involved in include road traffic accidents, ...
by Yuval Lirov - 2007-02-04
Healthcare insurance business continued to boom in 2006, mostly at the expense of both providers and patients. A review of recent healthcare insurance industry trends help identification of six payer...
by Evan Aidman - 2007-02-07
When an injury case involving a minor is settled, the courts often require special precautions to protect the minor. The court is concerned that the settlement proceeds be used solely for the best in...
by Rainier Carillo - 2007-03-05
Have you heard of the legal terminology "statute of limitations"? Do you know what this means and what is the importance of knowing the statute of limitations prevailing in the state where you li...
by Greg Artim - 2007-03-20
The first step is to hire an experienced personal injury attorney. The attorney typically will not charge you for a consultation and will not charge you any fee unless they recover something. I ha...