by Jeff Woodruff - 2006-12-01
On a sweltering hot day in mid June the Marathon story began. A midlife crisis, heat getting to me, no one knows for sure how it happened, but non-the-less it did. I looked in the mirror and with dis...
by Robert Cubbon - 2006-12-09
For more information on how to use self-hypnosis and meditation to give up smoking for free, visit When you close your eyes and concentrate on what you're experiencing you...
by Willy Krahn - 2006-12-29
Smoking cigarettes has been identified as the most important source of preventable morbidity and premature mortality worldwide. Smoking costs the United States over $167 billion each year in health-c...
by Steve Hill - 2007-02-19
There has never been a better time to quit smoking. The cost of cigarettes is now getting beyond belief, people who smoke are no longer seen as cool but are instead seen as people who are unable to...
by Muna wa Wanjiru - 2007-02-25
I loved them. They were my solace, my trigger, my friends. They were part of my French heritage, so I told myself, so giving me the out as one of a culture with low disease and death rates. But...
by Trevor Kugler - 2007-03-04
I'm a person who walked away from smoking forever about eight months ago and now I can't help but ask this question. I realize that everyone on the television, radio, and internet claims that nicotin...
by Trevor Kugler - 2007-03-05
I want to preface this article by stating a few things: #1 I smoked a pack a day (on average) for 15 years and walked away from cigarettes forever, so I have experience with quitting smoking. #2 I'...
by Trevor Kugler - 2007-03-14
p>About six months ago I finally stopped choking down cancer sticks once and for all, after being a smoker for more than fifteen years. I learned a few things in the process of quitting that I kno...
by Trevor Kugler - 2007-03-18
Why is it that every article you read, every commercial that you see, almost everything supposedly designed to help you quit smoking comes with a price attached? It seems like 99% of the articles I r...
by Trevor Kugler - 2007-03-18
Why is it that every article you read, every commercial that you see, almost everything supposedly designed to help you quit smoking comes with a price attached? It seems like 99% of the articles...