cheap annual family trave
cheap annual family trave
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-06-17
Lost bags, cancelled flights, Terminal 5 problems, it is a wonder that people continue to travel when beset by difficulties such as these. But what can you do when confronted by the inevitable t...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-06-19
Instant decisions can sometimes be costly according to latest government advice. With the Summer upon us, and many looking forward to holidays and gap years, it is is timely to note that recent r...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-06-24
It nearly always pays to get cancellation cover for your holiday trip abroad. All travel insurance policies offer this, though you may find that cover is limited, the cheaper the policy. This is...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-06-25
A common question asked in relation to travel is whether it is possible to buy travel insurance for one way travel. Yes, you can is the short answer but do look around as not every travel insuran...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-08-11
The falling value of the pound abroad and credit crunch at home does not mean total gloom and doom for the holiday maker this year. Most travel commentators are now indicating a boom in camping h...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-08-22
How easy it is to lose your laptop? Well, latest reach for Dell suggests that the chances are fairly high if you ask someone to keep an eye on it for you when at the airport. A staggering 42% of r...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-08-22
According to a new survey done by Sainsbury's Finance, one in four Britons plans to holiday without travel insurance and risk having to spend thousands in repatriation costs. Nearly a third of th...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-08-22
Another report out, this time by the Association of European Airlines, points the finger at British Airways for losing more bags than any other airline in Europe in the first half of 2008. Accordi...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-08-27
According to statistics published by the Association of European Airlines, not only was Heathrow rated as the worst of the 27 airports in its latest survey but this was the 16th quarter in success...
by NEIL DENNIS - 2008-08-28
You would have thought that winning the European Football Championships that it would all be goodness and light when it came to Spain this summer. However, not even this can ease possible delays a...