by Brian Ward - 2006-12-01
New freshly installed carpet everyone love that new carpet smell, after time has passed the new smell vanishes. Most people say the answer to this problem is to clean the carpet. It is very important ...
by A.Caxton - 2006-12-18
A description of seagrass carpets. How they can be used in your home. The various types of seagrass carpets.Just say the words "seagrass carpets", and can't you just hear the waves breaking. can't you...
by Troy Dobson - 2006-12-23
The alarm goes off, its 5 am and you hop out of bed and find yourself standing in a puddle only it's not just a puddle it is a lake 2 inches deep. You slog across the bedroom to the bathroom turn on t...
by Bob Janeway - 2006-12-29
The reason why carpet is so popular with homeowners is pretty obvious: it provides a home a certain warmth and beauty without being too expensive. It radiates luxury and coziness and provides what mo...
by Bob Janeway - 2006-12-31
It took some 20 years before CD duplication methods became efficient and cost-effective. From a single CD to thousands, better tools and devices have made it possible for anyone to duplicate CDs even...
by Ben Franklin - 2007-01-02
First things first. You will need to first decide what kind of carpet cleaning you would like to have done. You can take your pick by going through the various methods of carpet cleaning available. Th...
by Eric Dillon - 2007-01-12
Gone are the days when your only choice for outdoor carpeting was cheap looking grassy green stuff. I remember the salesman saying "You can choose any color you want, as long as it's green." Nowadays ...
by Allan Wilson - 2007-01-18
Installing a carpet is not an easy task for a novice, especially a DIY project and therefore, it is important to have adequate knowledge of the process before embarking on this assignment. Installing ...
by Jakob Jelling - 2007-01-22
This is pretty easy, but make sure that you remove all of the moldings and take the door out of the doorway first. After you do this, vacuum the carpet to get as much dust up as possible.&nb...
by Chun Yin Yu - 2007-01-23
There are several things that you can do to keep your carpet upholstery looking brand new. Prices are going up and it is just not cost effective to replace your carpet upholstery every year, so you n...