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    • 1.

      If You Can't Say Something Nice

      by Paul Davis - 2006-11-27
      If you can't say something nice Than restrain from vocal vice Say no to noise pollution Soulish contamination Internal aggravation Ridicule and degradation Tearing down another for self-exaltation Fau...
    • 2.

      Caring For An Ill Child

      by Denise Chadwick - 2006-12-05
      Children who are ill at home or in hospital don't always feel well enough to read or play games. Story tapes are an ideal way to entertain your child while they recuperate. Keeping a sick child's mind...
    • 3.

      Grin Reapers

      by Jim Gustafson - 2006-12-19
      She was just a head of me in the check-out line of a department store. In her arms she held a bright purple throw rug. Her feet were shod in shiny purple shoes, from her wrist there hung a matching p...
    • 4.

      Is Caring For Pets As Stressful As Raising Kids?

      by Donald Saunders - 2007-01-17
      For many people pets are very much a part of the family and many pet owners will even refer to their pets as their 'children'. So, if raising children can provide abundant opportunities for stress...
    • 5.

      Don't Neglect This Part of Your Business

      by Stephanie Ward - 2007-02-02
      If you've been so busy working in your business that you have forgotten about yourself, it's time to stop and assess the situation.Taking care of your business includes taking care of you! Think abou...
    • 6.

      Self Improvement: One Small Adjustment to Increase Your Happiness

      by Margrit Harris - 2007-02-07
      "I used to be able to make people happy!" He said with fresh tears. This depressed young man across from me described himself as a selfless person who loves to serve. Who loves to give of himself to...
    • 7.

      Care and Maintenance of Your Outdoor Wood Patio Furniture

      by Trey Collier - 2007-02-13
      Some of the most beautiful Outdoor Patio and Deck Furniture is made from wood. Wood is a natural product, but when exposed to moisture and changes in temperature and humidity, wood will respond in a ...
    • 8.

      Caring for High Grain Screens

      by Mike DeWitt - 2007-02-17
      Caring for a high gain projection screen is important.  Practicing good cleaning and handling of the screen will protect it from damage and extend the life of the screen.  It is essential in prote...
    • 9.

      Caring for the Orphaned Foal

      by Ron Petracek - 2007-02-21
      The Importance of ColostrumThe first task at hand should be ensuring that the foal gets a sufficient amount of colostrum. Colostrum, which is the mare's first milk, is loaded with disease-and infe...
    • 10.

      The Secret of a Thankful Heart

      by Gregory Hand - 2007-03-07
      So many times a door in life closes and we become angry, cursing our fate. We lose a job, our girlfriend or boyfriend leaves us, our house is virtually destroyed in a storm and we have to move. To The...