by Sean Burton - 2006-11-28
I do see a trend here of people who say gaining some weight is healthy. I completely agree, it is normal for those who are under stress to gain or lose weight. I am not writing this article for that ...
by Ron Garner - 2006-12-01
Excess fat storage in the body is the result of consuming a greater quantity of acid and toxic calories than the body can properly metabolize and eliminate. When this occurs, the body has no alternati...
by Waheed Elqalatawy - 2006-12-06
The ancient Egyptians had left to us the healthiest recipe in the world.It is the healthiest recipe in the world for the following reasons:1- It uses absolutely no fats, and the fat present in this re...
by Kelly Gregozeski - 2006-12-06
Our bodies are our own personal transportation devices. Of course these magnificent vehicles need fuel much like automobiles need gasoline. For our bodies, the fuel comes from calories in food. A ...
by Christopher Wen - 2006-12-08
Some people just find it hard to lose weight. They do not understand that in addition to reducing carbohydrates and the fat in their food, they should also be eating more fruits and vegetables. This i...
by Jessica Dawn - 2006-12-13
If you're stressed out most of the time, it might be hurting your fitness goals.This is a subject I can relate to, for years I struggled against an undiagnosed sleeping disorder that really affected m...
by Craig Ballantyne - 2006-12-18
According to a recent article from the Associated Press, the mainstream consumer is not currently hooked on any particular diet trend. Gone are the low-fat days, the Atkins popularity (the Atkins comp...
by Craig Ballantyne - 2006-12-19
Weight Loss MythsYou know that I am dedicated to helping you use the best training programs, follow the best nutrition plan, and get your best results ever. I'm also dedicated to correcting common fit...
by Linda Meckler - 2006-12-19
When you refuse a second helping of your favorite dessert do others try and get you to overeat? It seems that over the holidays all I do is eat. What about you? Do you feel that way also? Do you hear ...
by Mirdza Hayden - 2006-12-28
Perhaps you think that in order to lose weight you need to cut your calories way down. However, when we cut our calories below our Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which is the rate at which our bodies b...