by Susan Stewart - 2007-04-27
Cindy hangs up the phone and immediately begins massaging her temples. She just booked another appointment, Nicole and Megan are fighting and Zachary is pulling on her leg asking for a drink. How in t...
by Robin Meyer - 2007-04-25
Some of the hottest features on cell phones include the ability to watch video, take pictures, play music, and access the Internet. People pay money to decorate their phones and purchase ring tones...
by David Evarts - 2007-04-29
The Grand Canyon State definitely blossoms in the Spring, and there are exciting annual Arizona events happening all over the state that you won't want to miss! Indeed, with so many events happening ...
by T J Madigan - 2007-05-01
At last you are now in college! Only a few more years and the career you have been dreaming to achieve for years is already within your grasp. However, the path is not easy and wreath with beds of ros...
by Clark Nelson - 2007-05-06
Research Summation Time Analogies continues the testimony conclusion section of my first work, Calendars of Creation. Time Analogies expands perspectives concerning calendar science. The Jewish C...
by Clark Nelson - 2007-05-06
Research Summation Advances Faith began the testimony conclusion section of my first work, Calendars of Creation. Sixteen years ago, I began this section to explain why and how I chose to do ancie...
by Clark Nelson - 2007-05-06
Research Summation Antediluvian Calendar continues the testimony conclusion section of my first work, Calendars of Creation. Sixteen years ago, I began this section to explain why I chose my perso...
by Clark Nelson - 2007-05-12
Primary 65-Year Age of Mahalaleel is the fourth quarter division of the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle in the primary age category of the Antediluvian Calendar. Genesis 5 lists the Patriarchs th...
by Elisha Burberry - 2007-05-25
Sometimes, it can be harder than expected to find that perfect present for her - whether the 'her' in question is a close female relative, your wife or a girlfriend that you've been with for sev...
by Laura McDonald - 2007-06-04
Divorce is a difficult time. Major life changes are occurring not just to the divorcing couple but also to their entire families. People are hurting.It is difficult to think straight about anyth...