by Scott White - 2006-12-01
In order to optimize health and fitness, an individual needs to monitor their diet while maintaining an exercise regimen. Of course, the usual suspects need to be monitored, including fats, carbohydra...
by Lee Dobbins - 2006-12-08
Caffeine is one of the most consumed substances of all times. Through the years, people have consciously and unconsciously taken caffeine in the form of coffee, tea, softdrinks and other colas. Caffei...
by Carol Stack - 2006-12-20
A large percentage of the population loves to drink both gourmet coffee and espresso drinks. We are all aware of the fact that coffee and espresso provide a boost of energy and they also warm your bod...
by Lisa Fan - 2006-12-21
Do your teas have caffeine? Yes, all real teas have caffeine.In general, Green tea contains the least caffeine, Black tea the most due to the oxidation process, and Oolong falls in the middle range.Al...
by John McMahon - 2007-01-02
This is a question that people often ask but is actually a very difficult one to answer. Addiction is not just one single and simple process, it is a complex process that has both physical and psycho...
by Carol Stack - 2007-01-17
Everyone knows that coffee and caffeine go hand in hand. Coffee contains caffeine that contributes greatly to the stimulating and rejuvenating effect of coffee. The freshness of the coffee beans an...
by Ocha Nix - 2007-01-31
The effects of coffee and the caffeine jolt can temporarily boost alertness, increase performance and may even improve concentration.Some people feel the "buzz" or the effects of coffee (caffeine) mor...
by Wade Meredith - 2007-02-01
Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? It's because it gets you high. They took the cocaine out almost a hundred years ago. You know why? It was redundant.In The First 10 minutes: 10 teas...
by Julie Health - 2007-02-05
Every drink will have specific reactions that are related to them. Most are familiar with what some of these drinks can do, while others have more hidden side effects. Drinking green tea can have some...
by Dr. Brett Saks - 2007-02-16
I see two roadblocks to patients making the changes necessary to heal and to be healthy. The first is education. Meaning, they may be doing things in their life where they are simply unaware of the co...