by Robert Sheehan - 2006-12-02
There cannot be anything as embarrassing as having acne eruptions in your butt to say the least. Butt pimples are disgusting and as they say it is a pain in the wrong place. Your self-confidence takes...
by Robert Sheehan - 2006-12-04
Body acne is just enough to stop you from sporting the skimpiest of dresses and not to mention a G-string on top of that. You will look quite flabby in those shabby dresses thanks to body acne in full...
by Robert Sheehan - 2006-12-05
Painfully shy about your pimply back? Feeling ashamed of wearing the bikini on your next beach holiday? Wondering, albeit dejectedly, 'how can I treat back acne' do not fret. The remedies for back acn...
by Robert Sheehan - 2006-12-07
Carol, Jiminy and me went shopping last weekend. Carol somehow seemed indifferent. She wasn't quite herself. We rightly guessed what was it all about. Carol was suffering from body acne. And this spaw...
by Joey Atlas - 2006-12-31
The first factor that has led most, if not all, women to success with toning up their butt and thighs through exercise is this:Consistency - sticking with their butt and thigh exercise program on a lo...
by Nicky Ryan - 2007-01-02
The obesity problem in this country is growing to epidemic proportions just look around what do you see that's right FAT BUTTS. A lean muscular physique, tight abs and a firm butt seem to be getting t...
by Matt Shuebrook - 2007-01-05
How do I Lose Weight Around My Hips, Stomach, and Thighs? Discover 8 simple moves that will literally reshape your body in less than 8 weeks. How many times in the past year have you casually strolled...
by Stanley Stanton - 2007-02-17
I have found that some steelhead flies work better on some rivers but don't work so well on other rivers. Several instances come mind that helps to point out this fact. One happened about 15 years ag...
by Raymond Burton - 2007-02-21
Despite all the information out there, I still hear this kind of question quite frequently. "I really can't lose weight off my lower body and my butt in particular. Well anymore weight is more accurat...
by Robert Sheehan - 2007-03-08
Cystic acne treatment is important as it has the tendency of persisting beyond the age of 20 and often leads to permanent scarring. The cysts or nodules are actually the blockages of the oil glands, w...