business relationships
business relationships
by Trina Newby - 2006-12-10
I came to understand the true meaning and value of a business relationship over 10 years ago after spending thousands of dollars in traditional advertisements with little return. This is not to say th...
by Trina Newby - 2006-12-10
Getting your share of diamonds (business relationships.) Let's get started!Know how to build a solid business relationship Just passing out your business card won't do! After receiving contact infor...
by Casey Quinlan - 2006-12-30
Your company is about to launch a new product or service that will raise the achievement bar in your industry. You want to make sure that every customer for your innovative offering hears the buzz, a...
by E.R. Rigsbee - 2007-01-05
Strategic alliances are commonplace today among organizations both large and small. The advantages allow companies like yours to successfully compete in the global marketplace. Powerful synergies are ...
by Steven R Taylor - 2007-02-08
They say that it can take at least seven contacts to turn a stranger into a customer. When building relationships in business with your customer, it shouldn't start when your customer makes the first...
by Alex Greer - 2007-02-27
I received an advanced copy of a book called How Full Is Your Bucket, by Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton. Gallup Press (a renowned company that provides research and scientifically based educationa...
by Hector Cadena - 2007-03-18
The Art of Business is the Art of Relationships. After all, wouldn't you rather do business with someone you know and like rather than with someone you don't know or don't like? So if that's the cas...
by Joy Duling - 2007-04-16
Networking is an important part of growing any business. It's an especially important part of marketing for small businesses that may not have the funds to put towards costly advertising methods. It's...
by charlie19 - 2007-04-17
Too often, people forget they're anonymous in the internet world. Your friends and colleagues might know you as being a tireless worker, a great friend and loving parent, but I don't know that. To me,...
by Jane Treber Macken - 2007-05-22
In the workplace, you see very smart people who never actually "make it" in supervision or management. Often, the reason is that even with all their knowledge, they cannot relate to other people, incl...