business model innovation
business model innovation
by Donald Mitchell - 2007-06-21
To accomplish 20 times as much with the same time, effort, and resources, you need to learn and continually use all eight steps of the 2,000 percent solution process in the correct order. The steps ar...
by Donald Mitchell - 2007-06-26
To accomplish 20 times as much without increasing time, effort, and resources, you need to learn and continually use all eight steps of the 2,000 percent solution process in the correct order. ...
by Donald Mitchell - 2007-11-18
"If you ever plan to motor west, travel my way, take the highway that's the best . . . Get your kicks on Route 66." ― Bobby TroupFrom space many places on Earth look pretty flat. From the ground...
by Donald Mitchell - 2007-11-22
Many business leaders believe that they should just keep doing what's always worked. In some areas of business, such as providing good service, that can make sense. But often too much consiste...
by Donald Mitchell - 2007-12-18
Many leaders want to grow their customer or beneficiary base. While almost all strive in this direction, few succeed as much as they would like.The approach that many take is to advertise more, offer...
by Donald Mitchell - 2007-12-20
A young married couple, Mr. William and Ms. Dorothy Hustead, bought a small store in a tiny town near the South Dakota Badlands. From 1931 to 1936, they struggled through the Depression serving the to...
by Donald Mitchell - 2007-12-22
A young married couple, Mr. William and Ms. Dorothy Hustead, bought a small pharmacy in a tiny town near the South Dakota Badlands. From 1931 to 1936, they struggled through the Depression serving the...
by Donald Mitchell - 2008-01-13
I was once driving along with an executive who loved to bring out new products. He was very proud of their brand names, their contents, and their authenticity. I asked him how he thought about profi...
by Donald Mitchell - 2008-04-18
I have found that most people will make the same decision when presented with a fairly complete data set. Improve the information available to individuals, and they will make better decisions. Better...
by Donald Mitchell - 2008-04-23
Concepts are all well and fine, but what do these business model innovation concepts potentially do for you? I want to share some questions designed to help you apply what you have been reading to you...