build confidence
build confidence
by Jon Mercer - 2007-05-20
Working as a personal development coach, I've helped hundreds of people to overcome shyness and gain confidence and a healthy, assertive state of mind. But as we get started on the process, the first ...
by Mark Goodworthy - 2007-06-01
Ever wonder why some people do not find it hard to feel confident? If you must know, confidence is basically a state of mind. Before you feel confident, you think about being confident. Surprisingly, ...
by Mark Goodworthy - 2007-06-03
The word confidence has several nuances. When you have faith in a person or something, that is confidence; when you believe in your capabilities, that is self-confidence. But when you believe too much...
by Chick Magnet 101 - 2007-07-21
Here is one secret found to be true of women…They are always attracted to a man with an alpha male personality! There is just something about an Alpha Male that draws women to them. Female attraction ...
by josefrutgley - 2007-10-04
Now more than ever there are far more options for someone who wishes to get the most out of their smile. There are a variety of procedures that can be employed to improve your smile no matter how badl...
by JamesSkinner - 2007-10-21
Wildly, extraordinarily, and outrageously celebrate every success in your life. The more you celebrate your achievements, the more you remember them; and the more you remember your successes, th...
by Markhansen - 2007-10-21
Confidence is also developed through lifting people around you. One thing I tell people who are just starting out in careers is you can't rise above your boss. If you put your boss down, what do...
by Markhansen - 2007-10-30
Body LanguageStand tall. Use your body to project confidence. When your head is down and your chest is collapsed, you are not depicting confidence. When you're looking depressed and you're act...
by Scott Patterson - 2008-04-17
People are turned down everyday, whether it be for a raise, promotion, loan or recognition. It is a constant cycle and when given enough times, some people get over it and it doesn't hurt them as much...
by JT Miller - 2008-06-12
Your plastic surgeon could be more responsible for giving you a big raise than your boss.A recent University of Texas study indicates that both men and women who are above average in the looks departm...