by - 2006-11-28
As a home designer builders and homebuyers often ask me what is the best house plan for them. This is just such and open-ended question because homes are all unique like their homeowners are. It alway...
by - 2006-12-01
I often meet with clients who have purchased property in flood zones who really don't understand what flood zone they are in, and the affect this will have on the design of there dream home. There are...
by John Bradley Jackson - 2007-02-05
Whether as an investment or an existing floor plan, space may well be the final frontier. To free more working space in a bustling Los Angeles office, one facility manager introduced a new filing and ...
by John Bradley Jackson - 2007-02-06
When Tom Fujiwara, Assistant Public Works Director for the City of Redlands, California, needs to study plans for street repairs or review a map of his city's storm drain system, he locates and retrie...
by Brad Barrett - 2007-02-08
As the cost of office space continues to skyrocket, office managers everywhere are looking for better ways to conserve floor space. This trend has caused an extraordinary increase in use of vertical d...
by Brad Barrett - 2007-03-09
Blueprints are a critical part of any construction job, whether the job is big or small. In all cases, the ubiquitous blueprint is always in danger of being torn, damage, stained, or just worn out.Con...
by Robert Palmer - 2007-03-12
The Situation:For the manager of the Building Records unit at a major west coast public University, the document storage problems were critical. The problem wasn�t justifying budget for more spac...
by Scott Carlson - 2007-05-23
In competitive leagues, teams often stay together and play multiple seasons. This is often not the case with semi-competitive or recreation leagues, which makes it more difficult because not everyone ...
by Mark E. Mathis - 2007-06-05
When a person begins the process of building a new house, there are many different aspects that need to be addressed including: where to build, what size home to build, what features to include, what ...
by Mark Mathis - 2007-07-01
One of the most popular questions that people ask when searching for that "perfect" house plan is "What are (currently) the most requested floorplan / home features that people are looking for"?...