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  • blood glucose

    • 1.

      Your Diabetes Diet and the Holidays: Six Tips to Stay In Control

      by Cydne Kaelin - 2006-12-24
      Controlling diabetes with diet is never more important than during the holidays. November, December and January are challenging for anyone who is watching what they eat, but more so for diabetics and ...
    • 2.

      Aloe and Blood Sugar

      by Steven Godlewski - 2007-03-20
      Inside of every ones blood there are sugar levels that need to be at certain amounts each day and all day. When the amount of blood sugar is low in some one they can experience irritability, weakness,...
    • 3.

      Diabetes Walking Tips

      by F. Terrence Markle - 2007-04-07
      Walking is a great exercise for a diabetic person to participate in. If you have diabetes then you should set a goal to walk each day about two miles or more. You should take it easy when you first s...
    • 4.

      Pre-diabetes-all About Diabetes

      by Alien - 2007-06-22
      One of the new buzz words going about these days is pre-diabetes. And for good reason. Pre-diabetes has become a serious health concern for our society in general.The facts tell the story all to well....
    • 5.

      Health Pre-Diabetes-All About Diabetes

      by ALIEN SHENG - 2007-06-22
      One of the new buzz words going about these days is pre-diabetes. And for good reason. Pre-diabetes has become a serious health concern for our society in general. The facts tell the story al...
    • 6.

      Diabetes and the Atkins Diet - All About Diabetes

      by Alien - 2007-06-23
      While there are many diet plans going around these days that will help you lose weight and cut calories, one in particular has good benefits for those who suffer from diabetes, or are borderline diabe...
    • 7.

      Health Diabetes And The Atkins Diet - All About Diabetes

      by ALIEN SHENG - 2007-06-23
      While there are many diet plans going around these days that will help you lose weight and cut calories, one in particular has good benefits for those who suffer from diabetes, or are borderline d...
    • 8.

      Understanding Glucose - All About Diabetes

      by Alien - 2007-06-24
      If you have, or know someone who has diabetes, then you most likely have heard the term blood "glucose". But what exactly is glucose and why is it so important to know what levels of glucose are in y...
    • 9.

      Do you Suffer From the Dawn Phenomenon?

      by Alien - 2007-06-24
      If you are a diabetic like I am then you may know about the Dawn Phenomenon. Until I understood what this was all about, I would be completely frustrated every morning when I got up out of bed and tes...
    • 10.

      Health Understanding Glucose - All About Diabetes

      by ALIEN SHENG - 2007-06-24
      If you have, or know someone who has diabetes, then you most likely have heard the term blood "glucose". But what exactly is glucose and why is it so important to know what levels of glucose are ...