bladder control
bladder control
by David Cowley - 2007-05-16
There are a lot of people out there, men and women, who have what is commonly called adult bladder control problem. The best thing that you can do is to go to the doctor and talk to them about it. I...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-16
What is a bladder control problem? It is someone who has trouble stopping or starting the flow of urine from the bladder. Incontinence is another type of bladder control problem and is described as ...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-17
The first step you will need to take when you have some type of bladder problem is to seek the advice of your physician. If your problem stems from a bladder infection then he will prescribe an antib...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-17
One of the best things that you can do when you have a female bladder problem is to learn all that you can about it and how to help yourself deal with it or get rid of it. You need to do some researc...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-17
A bladder problem is not something that anyone wants to deal with and it can happen to adults or children. There are all kinds of problems that can result from your bladder not functioning properly. ...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-20
Do you run to the bathroom and nothing happens even though you have an uncontrollable urge to go to the bathroom? Do you have a sudden urge to go to the bathroom but have trouble making it in time? ...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-21
Do you run to the bathroom and nothing happens even though you have an uncontrollable urge to go to the bathroom? Do you have a sudden urge to go to the bathroom but have trouble making it in time? ...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-21
A conservative treatment for an overactive bladder and bladder incontinence is vaginal weight training. This technique is designed to help the pelvis floor muscle become firmer, thicker and broader. ...
by David Cowley - 2007-05-21
The Kegel Exercise, named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, is an exercise of the pubococcygeal muscles. This exercised is the regular contracting and relaxing of the pelvic floor muscle designed to restore mu...
by David Cowley - 2007-06-12
Do you get bladder infections? Well if you do there is hope and you do not need to go to the doctor to find relief. You can actually get quite a bit of relief right at home. So the next times that you...