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    • 1.

      Catholic Bible Study Series: Nativity of Christ in the Gospels

      by Eugenia Brown - 2006-12-05
      As we approach celebration of Christmas, reflecting on Christ's birth will not only help us to bring into our families the spirit of Christmas but also will help us to appreciate the mystery of Christ...
    • 2.

      Emergency - My Female Dog is Giving Birth, Is Everything Ok?

      by David Brooks - 2006-12-05
      The bitch will give birth approximately 9 weeks from when she first starts standing for the male dog or 8 weeks from when she stops standing for the male dog. Counting from breeding dates can be a fai...
    • 3.

      Pregnancy is Not a Disease

      by Nathalie Fiset - 2006-12-11
      Pregnancy is a natural state that most women will experience at least once in their life. Modern society seams to have parted from considering pregnancy like the beautiful, natural phenomenon it is. O...
    • 4.

      Why Do Women Have Pregnancy Cravings?

      by Stevie Jay-Jones - 2006-12-27
      So why is that pregnant women get pregnancy cravings and what is it that their body is trying to communicate to them? Is it just one of those things that every woman has to go through or is there more...
    • 5.

      Top 5 Reasons to Choose a Midwife

      by Liza Janda - 2007-01-05
      TOP 5 REASONS YOU SHOULD CHOOSE A MIDWIFE BY LIZA JANDA, AAHHC, RYT Liza Janda has valuable experience as a Certified Fitness Instructor for 27 years, Bradley Method Certified Childbirth Educator f...
    • 6.

      The Difference Between Medication Abortion and Emergency Contraception

      by Lilith Mill - 2007-01-11
      Both medication abortions and emergency contraception can involve taking pills. However, the similarity between medication abortions and emergency contraception ends there.Hormonal emergency contrace...
    • 7.

      Pregnancy, the first trimester: What you can expect

      by Jacqueline Flynn - 2006-11-16
      Copyright 2006 WomanCentric Inc.In the first trimester, you and your baby are going through a lot of changes. Your body has just received the egg through the fallopian tubes and has nestled into t...
    • 8.

      Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

      by Jennifer Lance - 2007-01-27
      Two angels were drawn together in spirit and love. One was a boy angel, and one was a girl angel. They flew from star to star together, collecting light, love, and warmth. The angels voyaged to the br...
    • 9.

      9 Keys for a Stress-free Pregnancy and Childbirth

      by Dr. Linda Miles - 2006-11-18
      By Dr Linda Miles1. Dont let anxiety and stress take a toll: There is a growing body of research that shows anxiety and stress, in some women, lead to pre-term birth, smaller babies, and potential ...
    • 10.

      Monkey Chinese Zodiac: Fun Trivia

      by Gail Leino - 2007-01-31
      Individuals born under the sign of the Monkey Chinese Zodiac are ambitious and capable of achieving their goals. Monkey Chinese Zodiac personalities are always striving to keep up with their neighbor...