bird flu
bird flu
by Dane J Stanton - 2006-11-30
Everyone is now aware of the threat of bird flu being upon us now. If you are unfamiliar with this particular virus then it can be summed up in one sentence, a form of influenza that affects bird spec...
by Christopher Smith - 2006-12-01
Fear of an Avian Flu pandemic has reached epic proportions and with good reason. If it becomes a fully mutated strain that is easily transmittable between humans, the result of this sickness on the hu...
by Dane Stanton - 2006-12-01
In the wake of some of the most horrific bird flu pandemics in the history of civilization, news has spread from nation to nation like wildfire. People are starting to feel a sense of fear that maybe ...
by Dane Stanton - 2006-12-02
There is a deadly disease that has and still is sweeping nations across South East Asia. It's now beginning to be known as the Asian bird flu. So what is it and how does it affect people? Well the Asi...
by Dane Stanton - 2006-12-21
By now everyone in the Western world is aware of the disease known as bird flu and all the facts associated with it. Everyone should also know the potential consequences involved with this virus if th...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-10
Avian influenza is a natural infection in wild birds, which are actually carriers without ever being affected by the disease. Never the less, the avian flu can be passed to domestic poultry through va...
by Groshan fabiola - 2007-02-15
In recent years there has been an outbreak of the H5N1 virus affecting birds in Asia, Europe and Africa, the mortality rates being high. Many cases of people infected have been registered but the r...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-18
Avian Influenza is known to affect especially wild and domestic birds as well as pigs but rare cases of human infection are updated. Since 2004 though, more than 200 confirmed cases of the avian virus...
by Groshan fabiola - 2007-02-17
Since the beginning of human existence on planet Earth there has been one virus that has managed to pass through centuries and affect people all around the globe. It is known on all 5 continents as...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-26
Professor Peter Openshaw, head of respiratory infections at National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London answered some questions regarding bird flu symptoms.Which are the symptoms of th...