best energy drinks
best energy drinks
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-07
We all know that water is the healthiest drink on the planet. It has been drilled into our heads to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Every where you go you see people carrying around water bottles...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-16
I have a childhood friend who remembers what she had for lunch in the 3rd grade. I, on the other hand can't seem to remember what I was wearing the day before. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a litt...
by skindeep13 - 2008-07-20
I have a childhood friend who remembers what she had for lunch in the 3rd grade. I, on the other hand can't seem to remember what I was wearing the day before. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bi...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-22
Parents - listen up! If you teach your children to feel good about them selves, they will benefit in the long run with higher self esteem. That is actually a past belief which has been recently pro...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-22
Are you tired and haggard looking? I feel that way sometimes and I am not even a mother, yet. I give a lot of credit to working mothers these days - they certainly have their hands full. Some o...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-23
You have probably heard about recent HPV vaccines for teenage girls. You may have even been diagnosed with this virus or most likely have known or will someone who has. Most sexually active peopl...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-28
If you belong to a health club or gym you should be aware of both the formal rules as well as unspoken ones. The formal rules are usually written out by management of the establishment which includ...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-28
The Mediterranean Diet is known as the heart healthy diet because it is made up of the healthiest foods on the planet. Other components are similar to the cooking traditions in the countries border...
by Lyla Feldman - 2008-07-28
The extraction of flowers and plants began over 6,000 years ago when the Egyptians used certain oils for medicinal and burial purposes. However, the official term was created in 1930 by a French Ch...
by Lauren B. Wallace - 2008-09-08
It is often difficult to juggle friends, work, and family in a matter of twelve hours. Many of us give in to exhaustion by the time the clock strikes six pm, while others feel burned out several ho...