by Roy Austin - 2006-11-28
Thought is the opposite of true meditation and in our world it hardly ever stops. We need a new religion, a new philosophy and therefore, a new awareness of the world, fit for this twenty first cent...
by The Pen - 2006-12-01
Whether you are an atheist, agnostic or a person who is struggling to believe, have little faith or great faith there is a set of logistical thinking that can be applied to understand the probability ...
by Heather Allen - 2006-12-04
In my experience, lots of people are missing parts of their financial jigsaw.How is it that some people, who don't necessarily earn a great deal of money, always seem to have money to spend? On the ot...
by Ron Garner - 2006-12-06
There are 3 critical aspects to sound health. Ignoring any one of the following may leave you susceptible to disease and degenerative effects of premature aging.1 Electrical Energy – life and vi...
by Frater Epistis - 2006-12-10
What is Thought Manifestation?Thought Manifestation is the act of holding a certain thought, idea, or intention in your mind for a certain amount of time, and charging it with enough emotional energy....
by Charles Crosby - 2006-12-11
The 'Christian' trinity ogre god - exposed.Are you worshipping the trinity ogre god in vain?How and why is the trinity god an ogre god? Well, there are several factors that make the trinity god an ogr...
by Joe Farcht - 2006-12-16
Growing up as a boy, I was led to believe that I was in competition with other kids. There were only so many good grades to be given out, positions on the sports teams, and cadets at the Air Force Ac...
by Joy Cagil - 2006-12-19
When I wanted to buy a book for a friend's child and found Passover by David Mamet, I couldn't help reading it myself first, since I have always admired David Mamet's language in his plays and other w...
by Trevor Kugler - 2006-12-20
What is belief? The dictionary describes belief as: Assent to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal knowledge; r...
by Sacha Tarkovsky - 2006-12-24
If you want to achieve your dreams and goals and live a happier life then you need 3 key character traits that we are going to examine in this article. If you can get the right mindset and use them, y...