baby boomers
baby boomers
by Phyllis Goldberg - 2007-05-01
Have you noticed that, in our culture, slurs about gender, class, race and sex have become fairly commonplace and are often even seen as humorous by some? Howard Stern, Ann Coulter, Jesse Jackson and...
by Terry Stanfield - 2007-05-02
In my previous article, "Baby Boomers and Long Term Care Part I" , we discussed why baby boomers should consider long term care insurance. With the rising cost of medical expenses, long term care e...
by Terry Stanfield - 2007-05-02
Baby Boomers Need to Consider LTC InsuranceLong Term Care and LTC insurance is an important issue for baby boomers, their parents and me. The reality of long term care is at the forefront of our mi...
by Leslie Hamp - 2007-05-18
Are you one of them - a 50- or 60-something with a fire in your belly to launch a business or take it to a new level of success? Or a savvy business owner tapping into the market of Silver Bulls - Bab...
by Kelli - 2007-05-25
Baby boomers. They're the generation born between 1946 and 1964. They came of age in the early 70s and early 80s. They're the generation that made changes and waves, worked harder and longer, pu...
by Robert Palmer - 2007-05-30
Now that the kids are out of the home, what are the parents planning for the future? Increasingly studies are finding they want to play.According to a recent study by the Research Institute for ...
by Anna D. Banks, GCDF - 2007-06-10
Baby Boomers - Turn your Creative Practical Hobbies into a businessThe retired lifeThe baby boomers are those who were born in the mid 1940s to the mid 1950s and are now retired and living the cozy li...
by Jack Krohn - 2007-06-18
According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 18.3% (8.6 million) of Americans age 60 and older have diabetes. Not only is the risk for Type 2 diabetes more common as people get ...
by Pamela Dombrowski-Wilson - 2007-06-19
Elder abuse is defined as mistreatment or improper treatment that includes physical, sexual, emotional abuse or confinement. Neglect is broader and includes self neglect, which is more common than on...
by Patricia Drain - 2007-06-22
DREAM STEALERS.........BEWARE!! THEY ARE EVERYWHEREYears ago I met someone who was my first KNOWN dream stealer. I had just written my first book and was very protective of it. I named it HIRE ME S...