baby boomers
baby boomers
by Reta Robinson - 2007-02-27
Some folks approaching retirement consider moving to the most relaxing places found throughout the ubiquitous "best places to retire" books; other folks seek out safe and reliable retirement communiti...
by Deja-Fit - 2007-03-02
Women are often bombarded by fictitious media images about their lives and bodies, and find themselves subscribing to a lifestyle which only relates to a small minority. Most women are aware of the...
by Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. - 2007-03-04
Both men and women are short changed when sweeping generalizations are applied to the male psyche. Men can not all be painted with broad strokes. Some comments from a poll we took may help buil...
by Johnny Fuery - 2007-03-04
Social Security is a social insurance program. The United States Social Security program provides benefits for retirement, disability, and death. There has been a great deal of public discussion recen...
by Judy Moor - 2007-03-13
Baby Boomers are heading for retirement! They are computer literate and familiar with using the Internet. And they will be traveling in large numbers. Add more leisure time to the desire to see the...
by Dominic Whiting - 2007-03-16
We are spoilt for choice when it comes to housing options generally, and the retirement property market is no exception, while today's retirees are more affluent, savvy, healthy and independent than t...
by JACQUELINE WALES - 2007-03-24
Are You Living The Fearless Life? When people think about being fearless it usually conjures up images of mountain climbers on Everest, skydivers jumping out of airplanes, and race car driver...
by Kristen Gabriel - 2007-03-24
People are living longer and longer lives; many requiring ongoing, long-term care. Current events show that more elder abuse cases are being reported than in years past, and many experts believe that ...
by Arthur Levine - 2007-03-28
Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box. Keywords: Work at Home, New Middle Aged Group, Baby Boomers, Starting Over, Faith, Self Worth © Copyright Arthur Le...
by JACQUELINE WALES - 2007-04-02
FREEDOM IS A GIFT This week is the Jewish holiday of Passover. It's a festival that's been celebrated for thousands of years and every year we read the same story of how Moses took the ...