baby boomers
baby boomers
by carol stanley - 2008-11-15
Retirement time is here. Lets say that you are among the lucky ones today who can retire comfortably. And this group is shrinking daily. You have planned well financially and you are starting to ma...
by James P Krehbiel - 2008-11-21
We of the baby-boomer generation are feeling the pressure as we provide care for our elderly parents. It is painful as we helplessly watch our loved one's experience the impact of failing health.Â...
by NotYourDaddy - 2008-12-10
There's not a lot of nostalgia for the Great Depression but, if we'd retained some of the values from that era, we might not be careening toward another one now. The Great Depression followed hard on ...
by Susan Juricek - 2009-05-19
The here and now should be a very good time for all of us to be alive. Scientists and doctors have begun to unlock the secrets of aging (and have perhaps even learned how to slow down the process). We...
by C. Hodges - 2009-12-23
The generation that "Can't Get No Satisfaction" is creating a new age of "wise elders". For the first time in history there is a significant aging population. Yet far from being the sickly, retirement...
by MICHAEL MORRICAL - 2009-12-31
Baby Boomers often ask: What can I do to re-gain the muscle fitness of my youth that I am now losing as I grow older? There is a popular common day belief: "Regular aerobic exercise is all t...
by Gary Lundholm - 2010-08-24
While the residential and commercial real estate markets continue to struggle, with little to no hope of a speedy recovery, there is one segment of the market that could help shore up the situation. O...