baby boomers
baby boomers
by Max 1 Powell 1 - 2008-09-25
Senior Living With Assistance Of Senior ProductsIf we say senior living brings problems then it is also true that there are various solutions to each one of them. Various companies now offer different...
by Everette Jamison - 2008-10-08
Baby boomers make up one of the largest markets for sports cars today. This generation found itself buying cheap economy cars to get to work and back in their younger years, and had to settle for a b...
by Celine Horan - 2008-10-13
All marketers want to find that perfect headline time after time. It's not just for the sake of looking clever- a poor headline will often destroy a presentation, just as a sweaty handshake at a job i...
by Richard J. Roll - 2008-10-23
For the last thirty years, I've devoted my career to helping improve the personal finances of families and households across America. This year, I have watched the very ground we stand on undergo a s...
by Dr. Rosemary Lichtman - 2008-10-24
The news media thrive on streaming information - and gossip - about the exploits of high visibility couples. The general public has been well informed about the infidelity of John Edwards, the visits...
by Cynthia Rowland - 2008-10-28
Desperate people do desperate things and surgery is one of those desperate things that aging Baby Boomers hope can "fix" their sagging faces. This is exactly what the practitioners that dispense par...
by carol stanley - 2008-10-29
Sixty is said to be the new forty. I personally find it more and more difficult to determine people's ages as I age. People are looking younger and younger. Or am I getting older and older? There ...
by Judythebc - 2008-10-29
When I started my Internet Marketing business, I was absolutely certain that I needed to have a technical background. I found out the hard way that the Internet is not about being technical, it is all...
by Carmen Fontana - 2008-11-05
According to the U.S. Census Bureau's most recent estimates, there are 78.2 million Baby Boomers in the United States. This generation, which represents individuals who were born between the years 19...
by Marilyn Katz - 2008-11-06
If you are a baby boomer or senior citizen, it is time to evaluate your life insurance. We have some great news. Life insurance rates have dropped a lot in the last ten years. Longer life and health s...