avoid divorce
avoid divorce
by Destiny Blaine - 2006-12-09
It's true. You don't want to imagine it but it's going on right under your unsuspecting nose. If you're benefiting from it, then that's great, you should appreciate the writers of all smut. If not, th...
by Marcus Boo - 2006-12-27
Divorce rate has risen to a phenomenal level in the past decade. This trend of rising divorce rate may very well be fueled by the divorces we see in show business everyday. However, the major contribu...
by Peter Blake - 2007-09-28
Getting divorced can be a very emotional and traumatic experience, and many people are knocked for six by it.Children can often be the most effected by divorce, and recent sudies have found that child...
by A.C. West - 2008-07-28
If your marital situation has taken a change for the worse, your are probably wondering how to save your marriage and if it is even possible. First, yes it is possible. Second, you can begin on the r...
by A.C. West - 2008-08-01
There are many ways to save a marriage. Some steps are simple and other steps are more complex depending on the severity of the problems in the relationship. No matter what your situation is like at ...
by A.C. West - 2008-08-05
A marriage crisis does not happen overnight, rather the problems build slowly over time. Many times, the one spouse thinks everything is going fine in the relationship until the other spouse announce...
by A.C. West - 2008-08-09
Remember your wedding day? Chances are you vowed to stay together for better or worse. Well, if you are in a marital relationship where you have reached a stage of "for worse," you need to get it bac...
by A.C. West - 2008-08-09
You want to save your marriage but everything in your relationship seems awful right now. You feel hurt, fear, anger, and you are stressed, scared, and confused. So what can you do about your situati...
by A.C. West - 2008-08-09
Before marriage, your relationship was sizzling hot and the romance was on fire. But, now with your job, possibly children and just the regular tasks and duties of daily life, that fire has dwindle d...
by DOLA RAHEEM - 2008-10-02
This question is something that would bother the minds of so many wedded partners at some point within their marriage lives, however much matrimony may seem perfect, there is always scope for improve...