by Mark Allen - 2006-11-27
Why the Merlin Magix Phone System Integrated Phone System is ideal as your business phone system: Comprehensive More than just a telephone system, the MERLIN MAGIX system supports all your communicat...
by Mark Allen - 2006-11-27
T h e N o . 1 s m a l l - b u s i n e s s phone s y s t e m . . . s i m p l y p o w e r f u l . . .p o w e r f u l l y s i m p l e . Finding the right communications solution is atop priority for ever...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-05
We all know one. There is at least one in every family, and one in every circle of friends. There is even one in every office! There is always that one person that you know who is absolutely impossibl...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-05
eBay is a relatively safe marketplace. Unfortunately, like most online marketplaces, it is vulnerable to scams. eBay tries to keep instances of scams occurring, but with more than 100 million members,...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-05
Communication without boundariesFinding the right communications solution is a top priority for every growing business. So is simplicity. You need a solution that will help control costs and maximize ...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-07
Many new sellers don't realize how important pricing is when it comes to eBay auctions. Many don't even realize that pricing needs to be done. eBay is an auction site after all! But eBay auctions are ...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-13
About Structured Cabling SystemsStructured Cabling Systems are at the base of modern information network. Designed to accommodate quickly and cost effectively frequent moves adds and changes a structu...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-15
Many first time sellers have one thing in common, they fail. Many of them fail time and time again, never understanding what is going wrong. They do hours of research looking for the perfect item to s...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-21
Sniping occurs when a bid is about to end. Some yahoo rushes in and bids a little higher than the highest bid as the clock runs out of time as winning the bid. Sniping is against the rules at EBay, bu...
by Mark Allen - 2006-12-22
Everyone loves a great deal! Many people spend quite a bit of time searching for good deals on the items that they want and need and when they find those deals, they experience a certain amount of sat...