by Cordel Dietzig - 2006-12-12
While you see the ads everywhere telling you to sign up for a free government car auction to be held at so and so, do not let the ads deceive you. There is no such thing as free government car auction...
by Tudor Mate - 2006-11-22
Vauxhall cars (the company is known as Vauxhall Motors) was born in UK and it became a very well known car company. Vauxhall Motors is a company subsidiary of General Motors- the world's largest autom...
by Brandon An - 2006-12-21
Electric Cars are becoming more and more popular. The Electric Auto Association reported that around 10,000 electric cars were on the road in 2006. This article describes some of the interesting fac...
by Andrea Coles - 2007-01-05
With performance and class fused together to build a reliable brand that stands tall on its own, Acura has carved a major niche in the luxury segment of the automotive arena. An offspring of another...
by Dominic Ferrara - 2007-01-06
You make a strong financially viable decision when you decide to buy used car in Cleveland Ohio. There are many benefits in buying used cars instead of a brand new one. If you can put aside the fancy ...
by Lisa Koosis - 2007-01-25
On Friday nights, I visit my parents. It's perhaps a 40-minute car ride, most of it on major thoroughfares. Last week, I was cut off three times on the road, twice by people talking on cell phones a...
by John Tiger - 2007-02-21
For many years people have often owned or driven cars that are not only to help for transportation purposes but are also there for improving the overall mobility experience.In recent past times, pe...
by A Chatfield - 2007-02-24
The auto industry has been abuzz about the developments and introduction of new technologies for as long as it's been around. The big new of this decade is the introduction of the Hybrid car. It's not...
by A Chatfield - 2007-02-24
It's been ten years since Toyota introduced their first hybrid car, the Prius, to the market for energy and pollution conscious consumers. The model has seen significant success and maintains a steady...
by A Chatfield - 2007-02-24
The hybrid car market has built upon us slowly but steadily over the last decade ago. If you can remember back that far you'll recall that gas was hovering around a dollar a gallon and we were in an e...